As a ONE DAY partner, you support us by offering our charity items for sale in your store, salon or practice.
By doing so, you raise awareness of our mission and give us the opportunity to market our goods to customers in person rather than solely online.
The price of each of our items contains a specified donation amount, which we use to fund our projects and charity work, namely to advocate strong human rights, give hope and provide support on location in our project nations of Sierra Leone, Kenya and Namibia.
The ONE DAY partners listed below already offer products from our range in their stores and practices.
Every item sold helps us make the world a little bit better thanks to the clearly designated donation amount in the price of each product.
Make a purchase and support a good cause! Everyone benefits!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the heroes listed below for giving us the opportunity to present our charity and display our products – we are eternally grateful for your support! #onedayheroes